Sorare Community Update: The Recap

We hope you enjoyed the first-ever Sorare Community Update. In case you missed it, you can watch the entire program on our YouTube Channel.

We are excited about all of the progress we’ve made but we still have a lot to do in order to create the best free-to-play, player-owned fantasy game for our community.

Most importantly, we want to continue to say thank you to our Sorare managers. Our community is core to everything we do. Your feedback, your support, your passion for football, is what motivates us.

In three years, we have grown from hundreds of beta-testers to:

  • Partnerships with 230+ football clubs
  • Over 2 million card transactions on Sorare’s marketplace
  • Over 1.5M registered managers users across 184 countries

None of this would be possible without each and every one of YOU. This year, we want to:

  • Improve communication and transparency with our global community
  • Continue to build the best fantasy NFT product in football with a particular focus on an improved gameplay
  • Continue to partner with the top football organizations so every fan can connect with their favorite teams, players and leagues

We are dedicated to building the best product and football community for the long-term and will share more exciting news in the coming weeks and months as we continue to grow together.

Check out the posts below to learn more about what we shared and don’t forget to sign up for the Sorare iOS Beta.

Sorare Community Update: The Recap was originally published in Sorare on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Read the original article on