Game Storm Studios Calls in the Ready Games Cavalry

Game Storm Studios Calls in the Ready Games Cavalry

Leading mobile-centric gaming developer, Game Storm Studios, has announced its imminent arrival in the Web3 arena, all thanks to the highly efficient and slick operations of blockchain transition platform, the Ready Games Network.

Through this mighty new collaboration, Game Storm will integrate two of its most popular titles with blockchain tech. Therefore, seeing the popular animalistic escapades ‘US Police Dog Mall Chase’ and ‘Pet Cat SIMs’ both arrive in the Web3 sphere, with both representing two mammoth mobile apps with a combined daily userbase of 250k players and over 15 million downloads between them.

The current degree of blockchain technology arriving within the two titles remains as yet unclear. However, all indications point to NFT avatars and companions backed up by a token-based economy, providing an added layer of immersion and interactivity for players to get stuck into.

All of this blockchain-based wizardry comes at the hands of the highly efficient team over at Ready Games. A well-oiled machine, specializing in the rapid deployment of Web3 tech into mobile-focused titles. With their vast knowledge base, fine-tuned infrastructure, and army of 40k beta testers, they can integrate Web3 dynamics into an existing title in under 30 days, all while remaining compliant with the latest Google and Apple services.

Take a look at the Ready Games Network >> Here

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Decentralised human, Explorer, Adventurer.

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