Star Atlas Gameplay Begins… Although Perhaps Not in the Way We Hoped

Space trading and combat game Star Atlas has officially launched SCORE, the first on-chain gameplay! This is a huge deal for players because it lays down the groundwork for future development and gaming mechanics. With SCORE in the picture, players can now stake their spaceship NFTs to generate ATLAS, the project’s token!

Explore Star Atlas’ unique take on staking! Credit: Star Atlas

What is SCORE’s Impact on Start Atlas’ Gameplay

Basically, SCORE’s rollout is the first example of how players will earn within the Star Atlas ecosystem. Moreover, it signals the beginning of interoperability on Solana.

Short for Ship Commissions on Remote Expeditions, SCORE allows players to create a fleet out of their ships, supply it with resources, and earn ATLAS. As the ship explores the galaxy and generates ATLAS, it consumes resources. Users will see the amount of ATLAS that their fleet will earn each day, provided that it is fully stocked with the required resources.

Star Atlas Fleet Tab Gamplay
Players can now earn more Star Atlas as long as they have a fleet with sufficient resources! Credit: Star Atlas

The team airdropped some resources to Starship NFT owners during the December 22 snapshot to excite fans and promote the update. This way, they can explore and get familiar with the new feature under the “Faction Fleet” tab.

More About the Required Resources

Most projects equate staking to being passive. This is where Star Atlas stands out because their staking feature requires users to keep their ships well-stocked in order to keep earning. You’ll need to head to the Marketplace and visit the Resouces tab to buy everything you need!

Users will need fuel, food, Amo and toolkits. So in a way, it mimics real-life ship maintenance. The team designed the gameplay in a way that the resources will be consumed at different rates. So, players need to take note of the burn rate and maintain a functional level of each resource.

So if you want to get into the mix, then just set up your fleet and load it up with resources!

Reception So Far

Time for the most important question! Is the community happy?  On one side, some players expressed disappointment over the actual gameplay in the update. Meanwhile, the other side argued that this is just the first many updates. So the key takeaway should be how the game now allows players to actually earn ATLAS rather than having NFTs sitting idly in their wallets.

Meanwhile, the metrics are on the upswing! As of today, December 22, the TVL (Total Value Locked) has now reached over $72 Million. The game has also deployed 53,314 fleets and rising! To close off a great day, Animoca Brands committed to purchasing $3 Million worth of Star Atlas spaceships!

Exciting times for the Star Atlas Community! You can get the latest updates on the blockchain game’s official Twitter account!

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